Brand Wings

Product Ordering

Offer physical items, such as promotional items or samples, to your sales teams to help them increase effectiveness
    Offer physical items, such as promotional items or samples, to your sales teams to help them increase effectiveness as they interact with current and potential customers.

    Brand Wings allows you to publish products in the portal for sales staff to order.  Like other tools in Brand Wings, controls can be easily set to determine which channel partners or sales teams have access to specific products.  Additionally, access can be limited or granted based on the type of role a salesperson has.

    Suppliers or vendors can be defined in Brand Wings to provide the fulfillment of product orders.  Each product you create can be assigned to a specific vendor.  When an order for the product is placed, the vendor is automatically notified.  The vendor has a unique portal that allows them to view product orders, change the status, and provide shipment tracking information.

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