Brand Wings

Master Distributors

Master Distributors

As a master distributor, the success of your distribution channel is your success. 

Providing your channels with current, relevant content and sales tools is paramount to keeping your distributors engaged and closing sales.  The Brand Wings platform enables you to fully equip your sales teams with a sophisticated, usable website.

Sales Team notifications enable you to quickly send important updates to your distributors.  The platform will tell you which reps have read the notifications, helping you understand which ones may need additional follow-up.  The Brand Wings portal is a branded, centralized website for your distributors to quickly find product information you have provided and even order samples from you if applicable.

Real-time analytics can be configured to tell you which distributors are performing activities that lead to sales.  Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) can be configurated to provide you with a dashboard that provides immediate and actionable insight into activity across your distribution channel.

Brand Wings’ templating capabilities allow your distribution channels to easily create co-branded marketing materials.  This not only saves your own creative team countless hours of time or cost but also ensures that the sales teams remain confident in their ability to emphasize their own identity while bringing your products and services to market.

Ready to take your Sales Support to the next level?