Brand Wings



Master Distributors

Software Companies

As a software company, we understand that you have multiple routes to market.  Most likely you are engaged in both direct and indirect sales, frequently partnering with local consultants or agencies, MSP’s, MSSP’s,  or larger industry specific organizations to sell your software solutions. Regardless of your path to market, Brand Wings can be a valuable platform to equip and manage your channel partners.


​Technology is a massive and diverse sector of the global economy. More than a single industry or market sector, technology is a composite of various industries, each somewhat different in their go-to-market approaches. 

While numerous tech products, services, and solutions are sold directly though ecommerce, every sales channel strategy is represented in one sub-sector of the market or another. All channels have the need for more efficient communications, knowledge sharing, and process control.

There are several key tech sectors in which Brand Wings offers channel sales differentiating value:

SaaS Software

Consumer Software

Consumer Electronics



Security and Surveillance

Internet Service Providers

Home Security

Master Distributors

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